
The Coalition for Permanent Standard Time (CpST) is a dedicated group of diverse organizations and individuals who support the elimination of biannual clock change in the United States through the restoration of permanent standard time. It’s time to ditch daylight saving time (DST).

Health Precautions

Delayed sunrise/sunset from DST increases the risk of depression, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and fatal car crashes

Dark Bus Stops

DST forces you to begin the day in the dark while you go to work or school. Standard time provides more daylight to start your morning.

Drowsy Driving

When adjusting to DST, evidence shows that drivers may be drowsy on the road, which negatively impacts public safety.

Circadian Wellness

Permanent standard time aligns closely with the body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), which improves one’s health.


CpST advocates for the introduction and adoption of legislation (state/federal level) implementing permanent standard time throughout the United States.

Advocacy Toolkit

Support CpST’s mission by reaching out to your state or federal representatives requesting the implementation of permanent standard time. Download our Advocacy Toolkit to assist you with the next step.

Voter Voice

Empower change through advocacy. Join our mission to amplify the need for permanent standard time. Your participation shapes the future. Send messages in support of permanent standard time legislation by visiting our Voter Voice page today!

Our Members

Members of CpST support and agree with the Permanent Standard Time Sign-on Letter. Individuals can also make a personal pledge to support permanent standard time. By signing this pledge, you will be added to our list of supporters.


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